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Google Workspace Group Email, Email Alias & Email Signature Guide

 G Suite has undergone an exciting revamp. Now known as Google Workspace, plans still offer an array of Google web applications for your business, but with a new and refreshed brand and product experience. 

In this guide, we’ll unpack key features like group email, email aliases, and email signatures, and get you up and running on Google Workspace in no time.

Introducing Google Workspace

Google has seen some exciting changes since last year. As of October 2020, G Suite was given a new name – Google Workspace – and lots of new and improved features to go with it. 

The rebrand came as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, where Google transformed their G Suite into a “workspace” tailored to the needs of the increased number of businesses working from home. 

You’ll still find the features you’re used to using for your business on the new and improved  Google Workspace – such as Gmail, Drive, Docs, Slides, and Meet – but the collaboration tools are now integrated into one handy workplace and have been refreshed to improve business functionality.

What Google Workspace can do for your business

Here’s a quick summary of the changes that came with the Google Workspace rebrand and what this means for your business:

  • Improved integrated experience – new tools allow employees to access core collaboration tools such as chat, email, voice and video calling, and content management in one place.
  • Guest access features – businesses can now connect with clients and partners in Google Chat and Google Drive using Google Workspace, enabling them to share content in a quick and seamless manner.
  • Create with guests in a chat room – this new feature allows guests to collaborate with you on a document in Google Chat, allowing businesses, clients, and partners to come together to work on projects remotely.
  • One–tab functionality – users will no longer have to open new tabs to use multiple apps such as Slides, Docs, or Chat at the same time, and linked files can be viewed without having to open the document in a new tab.
  • Smart chip feature – when you mention someone in your Google document, Google Workspace will present you with a pop-up containing that person’s contact information and suggested actions, such as emailing or voice calling. 
  • Picture-to-picture meetings – you can now video stream a Meet session in a minimized window while working on something else on-screen in Gmail and Chat (and in Docs, Sheets, and Slides by early 2021). This allows you to walk customers through proposals and documents while connecting with them over video, optimizing your customer interactions.

If you’re new to Google Workspace, or if you just need some expert help to maximize results for your business, there are revamped Google Workspace hosting options available to help you with the migration process. 

Using a Google Workspace host offers you all the perks of G Suite, plus additional set up assistance, training, admin support, and much more. 

Google Workspace group email 

Google may have undergone a rebranding, but a lot of the features you know and love remain. Group email is still accessible through the revamped Google Workspace and is a highly beneficial tool for business owners.

You can create group emails using Google Workspace much like you could on G Suite. Group emails are invaluable for business owners as they allow you to create group mailing lists, create collaborative inboxes, and invite people outside of the organization (such as consumers or clients) to specified groups and mailing lists. Creating group emails using Google Groups also comes with the bonus of customizable privacy settings, for added security and peace of mind for you and your clients.

You can set up Google group emails in a matter of minutes and create a company-wide line of communication for people both internal and external to your business, which allows you to offer a much more dynamic customer service experience.

How to set up group email

Setting up group email is quick and easy to do on Google Workspace. To create a group email list, simply:

  1. Sign in to your Google Workspace admin console. 
  2. Go to the “Groups” page from your homepage.
  3. Click the “Create Group” link in the top-left corner.
  4. Enter the name, description, email name, and group owner (optional) into the designated boxes and press “Next”.
  5. Choose your access settings and membership settings, and set who can join the group.
  6. Press “Create Group” when you’re ready and allow a few minutes before messaging your new group. 

Google Workspace email alias

Another feature available on Google Workspace is the email alias. Email aliases are extra addresses that can be connected to your account and are a handy way to set up multiple email addresses all connected to the same domain. 

An email alias is added to the start of your company email address, typically to specify a particular department or employee within your organization. For example, you might want to set up a “sales@” or “support@” email alias so your clients can choose which best suits their query when contacting your company. 

Using aliases will help streamline all emails sent to your domain and enables mail to be directed to the best department/person to deal with it. A Google Workspace email alias can be added to your domain in seconds and is a great way to merge multiple company email mailboxes into one organized hub. 

Email aliases also allow individuals who hold more than one role within a company to have several email addresses directed to them and gives you the option to easily delete any aliases if they become redundant.

How to set up a Google Workspace add alias 

If you want to add an email alias to your personal or business account using Google Workspace as outlined above, it’s simple and easy to do. It takes just 24 hours for an alias to get up and running and Google Workspace allows you to add up to 30 email aliases to your domain at no extra cost.

Here’s how to add an email alias for a user on your company Gmail account:

  1. Sign in to your Google Workspace admin console.
  2. Click on the “Users” section of your admin console homepage.
  3. When presented with a list of users, click the desired user’s name and view their account page.
  4. Select “User information” and then click on “Alternate email addresses (email aliases)”.
  5. Press on the “Alternate email” option and enter the alias you’d like to appear as part of their email address.
  6. Click “Save” when you’re finished.

Email signatures 

To add an extra touch of personalization and professionalism to your business domain, you can also set up email signatures on Google Workspace. The workspace allows you to create a personalized email signature with the option to include logos, links, and company details (up to 10,000 characters). 

Setting up email signatures is the perfect way to create brand recognition for your business. Having a signature appear on all your email correspondence is a simple, cost-effective way to market your business and make a memorable name for your company at the same time. 

Company administrators can ensure that everyone’s signature is the same within an organization, or users can personalize their signatures by inserting images from their drive. It’s a great way to create a sense of unity within your corporation.

How to set up Gmail signatures 

By setting up email signatures, your company’s personalized signature will automatically appear on every message sent by your domain users. To set up a Gmail signature and create instant brand recognition, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail and click “Settings” in the top right corner.
  2. Select “See all settings” from the menu, then click on the “General” tab.
  3. Click on “Signature” and then press “Create new”.
  4. Give your signature a name and click “Create”.
  5. You’ll be presented with a text box to enter the text for your signature – select the “format” bar if you want to edit the color of your text or add links or images. 
  6. When you’re happy with your signature, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen.

Google Workspace for business

Setting up group emails, aliases, and email signatures are all important steps to building a brand and reputation for your business. You can find these features and more in Google Workspace, and there are many hosting options available to make your experience completely stress-free. 

As well as all the features we’ve already covered, Google has teased the release of even more Google Workspace features in the months following its release – and these look to be just as beneficial for your business.


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